
July 25, a large tournament final started Pubg Global Invitational 2018 -In Berlin, at the Mercedes-Benz Arena stadium. All those teams that passed regional qualifying gathered in Germany to finally determine the fate of a prize fund of two million dollars.

The tournament was preceded by a press conference, where the executive director PUBG Corporation Changan Kim outlined a five -year plan to turn Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds in full -fledged e -sports discipline. A new interface for observers has already appeared in the game, where the status of each member of any team is visible, information is emerging about who, who and from which he killed, and contains a sea of ​​additional descriptions of what is happening on a giant map. In addition, the interface allows you to observe separately for each team, which will provide more convenient broadcasts for different fans.

Changam Kim presents a new observer interface

After Dota 2

The tournaments themselves will be held around the world and conditionally divide into three levels: amateur, semi -professional and professional. PUBG Corporation does not plan to organize all this on its own, but invites partners to cooperate who will provide all kinds of support.

The prize funds are expected to be decent: already at the current tournament, the account goes to millions of dollars, and the exact amount of the awards will depend on the accompanying goods sold-buying something from the list, you thereby add some dollars to the winning. Such a system is already working in Dota 2 , And you probably remember how great the prize there is.

Each year, two tournament seasons are planned with a grand final somewhere in November. And even though this month and so there is a breakthrough of e -sports events, the creators of PUBG are sure that they will wedge in there without problems. Now the developers are preparing a new system for fighting cheaters, which will allow you to play in tournaments directly from the house, without fears to run into rivals with AIM-bots.

Arena view from a great height. All players are in the palm of your hand

And PUBG will definitely not go to the Free-to-Play system-at least in the near future. According to the owners, their game is already sold faster than GTA v , and the goal of "gain more players" is not worth. True, this statement is partly contrary to the latest news: on the network, statistics from the network come up Steam , where the numbers are completely on the decline. In February, the system issued PUBG almost fourteen million players in a month, and in June – only eight.

As a big fan of the game, her fate is not indifferent to me, so I decided to clarify the situation. And before the final matches began, he caught in the corridors of Brendan Green himself – the creator of PUBG and the same person who popularized the genre of the Royal Battle.

And this is the reverse side of the same arena, the view from the premium sector. As you can see, the circle has already narrowed enough for the game to move into the peak phase

So loses PUBG popularity or not?

Brendan Green : You see, for some reason everyone watches statistics in a single source-in Steam. And they immediately say: “Look, you have lost half of the players!"But this, firstly, is in the order of things: the same thing happens with Dota 2. At first there was a peak of popularity – it was the peak – and then the number of players simply stabilized. Yes, it certainly decreases to a certain limit, but it Richy Leo Casino remains on this limit-this is our main audience. Exactly the same process is happening to us now.

And secondly, Steam is only one of the five platforms where PUBG is sold. And if you look at the statistics on the four remaining, then there the indicators are not only stable, but even grow. Mobile platforms are very popular in the same China, and most users play just in mobile Pubg. With a PC, part of the people went to the console – this is also a normal process. So all these statements that the “game is dying” are based on the calculations of a single service that does not cover our entire audience.

For some reason, people really want the games to fail. So they are arranged, there is nothing to do with it. But I know for sure that we have the wrong case. I know our team and see how and what is happening. That is why we are building five -year plans for the future, but we are not conceived by the categories of "getting more here and now". Our task is to create a stable infrastructure that will make a full -fledged e -sports from the Royal Battle genre. And it takes time.

– Very good if so! Well, tell us then how the e -sports version of Pubg is arranged? How her rules differ from the rules of the usual game from home?

Brendan Green : At the moment, everything looks like this: eighty players, twenty teams of four people participate in the match. The mechanic is a little modified: the circle taps faster at the beginning and slower at the end, there are no red zones, a couple of little things … We several months, almost a year, asked the players about what and how to change until we came to such a format. But it still can change: this is a constant evolution.

The scene was decorated with gaming equipment and weapons. And at the grand opening, they even lowered the “paratroopers” on the ropes, depicting a game shootout

– PUBG depends a lot on the accident: who was landed where, which weapon fell. How it is generally related to e -sports?

Brendan Green : At the level at which e -sportsmen play, accident almost does not matter. They know where to run, how to clean up at home, without catching the eye of an opponent ahead of time, and usually by the time of the first clashes, each is already armed as it should. Yes, an element of chance, of course, remains – but not more than in other e -sports games.

In addition, they play more than one fight “for the winner”. We have a system of calculating glasses, which is built on the number of murders for the round, and on the spot in the Top survivors. In two days he runs – how much is there? – Eight games, here are the glasses for them and are summarized. And even if the team showed itself badly on the first day, it can catch up with the lost in the second. The system suits us and players, but if we figure out how, we will correct it and it.

– What about the cheaters? At a press conference, they said that part of the tournaments will take place directly from the house. Does this require additional protection against mukhodov?

Brendan Green : Of course it demands, and we are busy with this. But our statistics are very different from the public vision that has developed around the game. I know the real number of cheaters in the game, and there are not many of them there. Certainly smaller than they chat.

In many ways, a system of repetitions is guilty of such a reputation, which shows how exactly you were killed. She works noticeably worse than we would like, and often shows a distorted picture. You see how someone clearly shoots by, but you are still dying, and it seems to you that this is a malicious chiter with Aim-boot. In fact, he shot clearly at you – just our replai is imperfect. Do not trust him!

Friday is a charity day: they are playing not e -sportsmen, but famous bloggers. Now on the stage Ninja, Shroud and Disrespect

– Are you going to fix it?

Brendan Green : Yes, but not now – this is a matter of priority. At the moment, we are focused a little on another: to form an e -sports platform. We want to be sure that everything works stably, that there will be no critical bugs, leading, for example, to an unexpected death of the character. So that if you are killed in the game, then this certainly happened thanks to the efforts of a more successful player, and not because you caught a glitch or the game unexpectedly “fell”.

– And if you move away from e -sports, what new to expect from the basic version?

Brendan Green : Well, first of all, a new snow card that we want to release this winter. Some interesting functionality will appear in it, about which I, of course, will not say anything yet. But he will give fresh sensations and experience from PUBG, and this is what I want from the game: so that she constantly surprises and tearing it out of the comfort zone.

The same, by the way, applies to e -sports: it is important for the player not only to shoot well, but also to quickly navigate in a changing environment. Suddenly the weather will change in the middle of the match? You need to be prepared for this. This is one of the main, in my opinion, PUBG chips: you never know what to expect.

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