
In the second “Dota” there are many difficulties and nuances that you need to know. The pros can easily decide who to contrast to the rivals. But for a beginner, this is far from a book. A good hero for a beginner should be easy to master and without complex skills. So we have compiled a list of the 10 best Dota 2 heroes for new players.

Crystal Maiden

Crystal Maiden is a good choice for any newcomer. This is a universal hero. Her frozen skills are useful for slowing or stunning enemies, for example, for example, are waiting for allies who can finish the enemy.

CMKA, as also called Crystal Maiden, a good partner for URSA, JuggerNaut and Lina. She is wellnded on Phantom Assassin, Templar Assassin and Slark. But it will not be the best choice for the confrontation of Clockwerk, Nyx Assassin and Bristleback.

Items that are worth getting: Tranquil Boots, Glimmer Cape, Force Staff, Blink Dagger, Black King Bar, Aghanim’s Scepter.


  • Crystal Nova – will pour a zone of action with a frosty wind that causes damage and slows down enemies.
  • Frostbite – shackles the enemy in the ice, inflicting damage to him.
  • Arcane aura – increases the restoration of mana for all allies on the map.
  • Freezing Field – random ice explosions are taking place, slowing enemies and causing great damage.


Omniknight can be good support both in the offensive and in defense. His skills can heal the allies, causing damage to enemies nearby, and provide protection of friendly heroes.

Omniknight will be a good companion for such characters as Phantom Assassin, Huskar and Pudge. He will be able to resist Phantom Assassin, Specter and LifeStealer, but will be weak in the fight with Invoker, Enchantress and Oracle.

As for the items, we recommend collecting such a set: Guardian Greves, Lotus Orb, Blink Dagger, Refreshr Orb, Assault Cuirass, Aghanim’s Scepter.


  • Purification – instantly heals a union creature and causes damage to the enemies around it.
  • Heavenly Grace – applies to himself and on the chosen ally strong disposal.
  • Hammer of PURITY – The Hammer Hammer releases the flame at the target to slow it down and inflict pure damage to her.
  • Guardian Angel-calls the guardian angel, which completely protects allies from physical damage.


Ogre Magi is one of the simplest heroes in Dota. The whole set of skills is easy to explain. Fireblast deafs enemies, ignite slows down, and Bloodlust strengthens the allies. And Ulticast allows you to use spells and items several times in a row. Ogre Magi is a hero of intelligence, but he has a huge amount of health that allows a beginner to smooth out a number of errors.

It will best be paired with Sniper, Luna and Drow Ranger. It is welled by IO, Templar Assassin and Treant Protector, but it is not recommended to contrast it with MeePo, Chaos Knight and LifeStealer.

In subjects, a good option would be the following set: Arcane Boots, Force Staff, Aghanim Scepter, Aether Lens, Shiwas Guard, Octarine Core.


  • Fireblast – affects the enemy with a fiery wave, causing damage and stunning.
  • Ignite – settles enemies.
  • Bloodlust – increases the speed of attack and movement to allies.
  • Multicast – allows the abilities and objects of the hero to work several times in one application.

Dragon Knight

Dragon Knight has three active skills and one passive, which increases survival, enhances armor and increases the rate of regeneration. That's why Dragon Knight is one of the best Dota 2 heroes for a beginner.

The Dragon Knight will best become paired with Crystal Maiden, Vengeful Spirit or Omniknight. It will be a good resistance for Clinkz, Templar Assassin and BloodSeeker, but bad for Outworld Devourer, Ancient Apparition and Timbersaw.

Of the items, it is best to purchase such a set: Power Trieds, Silver Edge, Assault Cuirass, Black King Bar, Daedalus, Heart of Tarrasque.


  • Breathe Fire – burns enemies and reduces the damage from their attacks.
  • Dragon Tail – the hero hits the enemy with a shield of the enemy in a radius of his attack, stunning him and causing a little damage.
  • Dragon Blood – the Dragon Blood current in the veins of the hero increases its restoration of health and armor.
  • Elder Dragon Form – the hero turns to the mighty ancient dragon.


Sniper abilities allow you to destroy the enemies so that you are not even noticed. And some items for the range of attacks, dexterity and speed will be able to make even a beginner a dangerous enemy.

The sniper goes well on the line with Drow Ranger, Ogre Magi and Vengeful Spirit. Create a lot of troubles for Drow Ranger, Engma, Silencer and receive a ton of problems from Bounty Hunter, Clockwerk, Slark.

In subjects, we recommend the set: Power Trieds, Hurricane Pike, Daedalus, Silver Edge, Mjollnir, Butterfly.


  • Shrapnel – uses a charge of shrapnel, covering the indicated area with rain from a breakdown fraction.
  • Headshot – the hero shoots more precisely, each attack can cause additional damage, push off the victim and slow down it.
  • TAKE AIM – Increases attack range.
  • Assassinate – the hero aims at the enemy and after a short delay makes a deafening shot.


Viper is another universal hero who can perform various functions depending on the style of the game. Poison that causes damage and survival makes this character strong. And he will also apply a lot of damage in pairs with an experienced hero's hero.

Viper will become a good friend on the Drow Ranger, Clockwerk and Faceless Vood. He will be able to deal with Enchantress, Abbadon and Antimage, but against LifeStealer, Legion Commande and Outworld Devourer will be very difficult.

A good set of items will be this: Power Trieds, Hurricane Pike, Butterfly, Black King Bar, Monkey King Bar, Heart of Tarrasque.


  • Poison Attack – adds to the usual attack of the hero poison, reduces the speed of enemy movement and resistance of magic, inflicts periodic damage.
  • Nethertoxin – the hero poisons a plot of land, opponents in the poisoned region receive periodic damage.
  • Corrosive Skin – the enemy at close range receives damage, and his attacks slow down.
  • Viper Strike – slows down the speed of the attack and movement of the chosen enemy, while causing periodic damage to him.


If you are ready to fight in the forehead, and not support your teammates from afar, then Tidehunter for you. This hero has one of the best ultimate abilities to start a mass fight and configure your team for several light murders.

A great team for this tide hunter will be Naga Siren, Jakiro, Invoker. The hero is well opposed by Batrider, Slardar and Windrunner, but it should not be chosen against Disruptor, Outworld Devourer and Ursa.

Guardian Greaves, Pipe of Insight, Blink Dagger, RefreSher Orb, Force Staff, Shivas Guard can be included in a good subject set.


  • GUSH – inflicts damage to opponents and reduces their movement speed and armor.
  • Kraken Shell – thickening the hero’s skin, blocking part of physical damage, drops all negative effects.
  • Anchor Smash – causes enemy around the damage and reduces damage from their attacks.
  • Ravage – inflicts damage to all enemies nearby and stunes them.


Bristleback is quite simple and has high survival. His skills slow down enemies and reduce their armor. And the hero’s abilities are aimed at getting out of any mass skirmishes.

Bristleback will stand well on the line with Crystal Maiden, Io and Drog Ranger. It easily opposes such characters as Chaos Knight, Luna, Broodmother, but not particularly effective against Antimage, Legion Commander and Outworld Devourr.

This set of objects is relevant: Power Trieds, Crimson Guard, Blade Mail, Heart of Tarrasque, Octarine Core, Assault Cuirass.


  • Viscous nasal goo – reduces the armor and speed of the enemy’s movement.
  • Quill spray – releases the needles in all directions, inflicting damage to the enemies around him.
  • Bristleback – The hero receives less damage from attacks from the back and sides.
  • Warpath – increases the speed of movement and character damage.


The double -headed Dragon Dzhakiro has one of the best sets of line control skills in the game. This is a hero with a large amount of damage applied from the very beginning, along with slowdown and stunning. And the ability to use his spells from afar makes the hero viable in any situation.

The character will feel confident with Crystal Maiden, Clockwerk and Ddisruptor. The hero copes well with Wraith King, Faceless Void, Ursa or Sven. It is extremely not recommended to use against Keeper of the Light, Enigma and Earthshaker.

A set of main items looks like this: Ring of Basilius, Tranquil Boots, Eul’s Scepter of Divinity, Force Staff.


  • Dual Breath – the ice slows down the enemies, and the fire causes periodic damage to them.
  • Ice Path – creates a strip of ice, which stunes the enemies touched to it and inflicts damage to them.
  • Liquid Fire – the hero fills his attack with a liquid flame, setting fire to the target and enemies around it.
  • Macropyre – the hero erupted a wide stream of liquid flame, which lasts for a while and briefly inflicts damage to enemy creatures.

Wraith King

If you want to play a position that focuses more on the accumulation of gold and objects, then Wraith King can be a good introduction to the role of Kerry. The plus of the character is that there is an opportunity to return to life after one death.

Wraith King will be a good ally of Crystal Maiden, Vengeful Spirit, Lion, Rubick, Lina. The king will be able to cope with Lycan, Nature’s Prophet, Enchantress and Tinker. And it will be extremely difficult to resist Anti-Mage, Keeper of the Light, Invoker and Nyx Assassin.

We recommend the following set for the hero: Power Trieds, Armlet of Mordiggian, Black King Bar, Blink Dagger, Blade Mail.


  • Wraithfire Blast – The hero scorches the target with ghostly fire, deafening it and causing it to damage.
  • Vampiric Spirit – the hero restores his health depending on the damage inflicted by attacks.
  • Mortal Strike – the hero passively inflicts additional damage with an attack.
  • Reincarnation – after death, the hero’s body Milky Wins sister sites gathers together again, and it is resurrected on the battlefield.

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